Kadet RELA is known as the BEST and one of the most ACTIVE uniform body in SMKSU. We won 3/5 times (2008-2012) for the Sports Day’s marching competition. In this district, Kadet RELA is only available here. Furthermore, fun camps and activities are also organized regularly to let our members ENJOY and have FUN :D Besides, we also lend a helping hand to our school during events.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Amazing Race (14/7)

Kadet RELA will be having the Amazing Race SMKSU this Saturday (14/7/12) from 10 am to 12 pm.
We will be gathering in the canteen.
This activity will be FREE OF CHARGE and there will also be prizes awaiting you to take away!
It is open to everyone in SMKSU. Non-RELA members can also participate in it.
Hence, bring all ur friends along to play!
Attendance will also be taken.

Hope to see u this Saturday!

Report: Koku activity 30/6/12

Sorry for posting this a little late..
During the koku activity on the 30th of June 2012, we played captain ball!

I guess most of you in RELA already know how this game works but for those who doesn't, it goes like that:

1) There will be two blockers and catcher on each team.
2) The catcher will be standing on a chair whereas the blocker will be standing in front of that chair.
3) The catcher of each groups will be on opposite sides.
4) The players of each group would have to throw the ball to their catcher. If their catcher catches the ball without falling down from the chair, their team will get one score.
5) Basically, the catcher's job is to catch balls whereas the blocker's job is to block the balls from reaching the catcher.

On that day, we started off with a mini game while waiting for some of the members.

After that we started with the real thing.
Although many could not make it as this activity was very last minute, we still managed to split everyone into three groups of six.

Listening to instructions

Some of the photos took during the game:

No idea what is Soon Heng doing..

Reaching for the ball~


The winning team of the day!

Hope you guys enjoyed yourselves in this activity.
Credits to Wei Chieh for the pictures.

Anyway, We will be having the Amazing Race SU this Saturday (14/7/12) so pls come and join us!
See you there!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Report: Sports Day 2012


It has been a time since we last updated this blog. =.=''

To get rid of all the dust acccumulating here, I am going to update you guys on our school's sports day!
For your information, Kadet RELA got 1st place this year!!!!!
Fuhh! *wipes sweat*
At least all our hard work training and marching practices paid off.
Firstly, I want to thank all the members that marched for RELA during sports day for your commitment. :)

Enough of talking! Let the pictures do the work.

Warming up before marching (1)

Warming up (2)


Soon Heng

Soon Heng's sissy pose

Singing the national anthem


Formation (1)

Formation (2)

Promoting 100 plus after marching :p

Ariff sleeping soundly...

Yeah! Number 1!

Receiving the hamper


Reaching for the hamper!!

Wei Quan's Yao Ming face.

This is the video of us approaching the grand stand:


This is a video of us in the marching competition in Camp Perdana which was 2 weeks before sports day:

That's it for this post.
Will update on the koku activity that was held yesterday morning so stay tuned!