Kadet RELA is known as the BEST and one of the most ACTIVE uniform body in SMKSU. We won 3/5 times (2008-2012) for the Sports Day’s marching competition. In this district, Kadet RELA is only available here. Furthermore, fun camps and activities are also organized regularly to let our members ENJOY and have FUN :D Besides, we also lend a helping hand to our school during events.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Annual General Meeting (9/1/13)

It was our 1st meeting this year!
Firstly, we introduced about this club, what we do and our plans.
Right after the introduction, we had our ice-breaking session since it's their 1st time being together.
The nominees for Form 4's AJK

We played some ice-breaking games and this was the punishment for the losers:

Cat walking

Showing his hidden talent

Koku (23/1/13)

We supposed to play dodge ball too but unfortunately, it rained... :(
No worries, we'll play it next Wednesday!

No idea whose big head is this :P

Marching practice (30/1/13)

Our first marching practice this year was held yesterday.
Most of the members never march in Kadet RELA before so we taught them the basics of marching.

More photos can be viewed on our Facebook group!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Announcement: Koku (23/1/13)

To all RELA members:

Our next activity will be on next Wednesday. Make sure you guys come for this activity! Attendance is compulsory! There’ll be lots of FUN!

Date: 23th of January 2013 (Wednesday)
Time: 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Meet at Taman Harmoni! (Between Blok A & B and beside 3Pi)
Remember to bring the RM5 membership fees too!
If you are interested in buying the t-shirt, pls bring RM25

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

RELA Flyer 2013

Our AGM is on Wednesday (9/1/13) 3pm to 5pm at 5 Sigma (Block D)